Welcome to The Toasty Tourist!
I’m Laura, and I’m based just outside Atlanta, GA, where I live with my husband and our assortment of furry friends. We have two amazing young adult kids with equally wonderful significant others, and they occasionally join us on our adventures.
Travel has always been a dream of mine, but for most of my life, it felt just out of reach. My husband and I became parents in our early twenties, so we skipped the “travel when you’re young” phase. Now that our nest is (mostly) empty—though I’m not a fan of that term!—I’m making up for lost time and soaking up as much of the world as I can.
I’d love to have you along for the journey!

My favorite pastime is learning as much as I can about different destinations, both well traveled and less traveled. Travel excites me, it gives a much needed new perspective, and I truly believe this is the perfect time (let’s call it the prime of life rather than midlife) to see as much of our amazing world as possible (more about this here).

I’m not a travel blogger who quit her full-time job to wander the world – I just adore travel while I still LOVE being in my own home, snuggling my pets under a blanket, and being near my loved ones. I’m a homebody with wanderlust.

My travels are all about finding joy and just the right amount of adventure – whether traveling as a couple or including the kids. That means plenty of local wines and cocktails—I might not love every sip, but I’ll always give you my honest take! I’m all about trying regional foods, testing out travel products and clothing to make packing easier, and—of course—finding cats wherever I go. (Because no trip is complete without a feline encounter!)
I’m SO excited to help you find the joy in your own journey and provide useful tips to make your travels exactly what you want them to be. Get ready to sip, savor, and see the world!